Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week One Personal Reflection

I was incredibly surprised with the first Technology workshop for this week. Frankly, I never understood the importance of utilising such opportunities within the classroom. I guess I’ve always thought about education the old fashioned way; pencils, paper, an eraser and perhaps a calculator. However after only one workshop, Greg’s passion for technology has me thinking otherwise...

I knew I had to research this notion at hand further and really comprehend the concept of incorporating ‘technology’ within a primary setting classroom. As a result; I came home after finishing classes for the day, turned off my iPhone 3GS to avoid any distractions, sat in front of my Sony Wireless laptop and opened up my internet homepage to Google... And that’s when it hit me! Technology has enhanced on so many levels in the world today, we have become oblivious to how many times a day we use it. If we as future educators have the luxury of using such methods to elaborate our understandings, why shouldn’t the students in our classroom?

Wikipedia describes a blog as being ‘maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.’ Blogs are a useful form of communication between teachers and students, which give children the opportunity to share ideas and have the ability to simply develop writing skills (Resourcing the Curriculum, 2010). I personally believe creating blogs is a good way to develop ‘community’ within the classroom as well as give each child a sense of identity. With the use of internet rapidly increasing around the world, students are also introduced to the guidelines of being safe online.

All in all, this subject has already opened my eyes and allowed me to really consider various ideas of keeping students engaged and enthusiastic. The development of technology is truly amazing and I think we’d be crazy to not introduce children to such facilities at a young age. I honestly believe we will not only be teaching children about the curriculum at hand but also developing life skills for their future. I guess it all comes down to the following; ‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.’ (Chinese proverb).


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