Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week One Workshop Reflection

Today was the first technology workshop where we set up our own blogs and had a play around with the Inspiration software.

With so much to work with; I believe the software is a fantastic tool for group work, brainstorming and linking ideas within one topic whereby relationships can be made apparent. I think it gives children the option to think outside the square, which as a future educator is something I wish to encourage within my classroom.

Having never even heard of the Inspiration program, I actually found myself having a good time! Children are given the wide availability of creating hyperlinks, using set graphics as well as migrating ones of their own and simply being creative. With the option of different colours, different sounds and different shapes and objects; I believe Inspiration encourages students to explore ideas and concepts within different topics across the curriculum.

Today, I created a mind map of simple animals and grouped them into four categories as illustrated above. This simple task can work extremely well with the younger children of primary school. Students can be assigned into groups where categories can be arranged as is and children can then be asked to find animals of their own and place them into the correct categories using the software. Rather than simply learning about the unit of work on hand, students are given the opportunity to unconsciously build team work and leadership skills.

With so many options and easy to use software; Inspiration is a reference tool I hope to have access to. Simple ideas such as brainstorming and planning are useful in everyday life and I believe it is essential to introduce such thinking views to children at a young age. Incorporating programs as such within the classroom; students are encouraged to build their computer and research skills, which will be carried with students to secondary schooling, university and hopefully even work life.

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